There has been some talk about making a new bot for the 20th Anniversary of BlaatSchaap.
Some talk about what language the bot will be written in, but we haven't made a decision yet.
May I propose a re-implementation of what the BlaatBot2009 was meant to be?
BlaatBot2009 was a modular design. The idea was to have a C API between modules,
as C binding are available is many programming languages.
For me, I'd like to do yet another implementation of the IRC protocol. The thing I do every
generation of BlaatBots. As the mixing of languages, I'd do a module in Pascal, to honour
the very first BlaatBot2005, which was written in Delphi (which one could argue is the name
of the IDE, the language is Pascal)
Lua had been mentioned. From a quick glance language bindings should be possible, so
that will be one thing to find out.
But hey, who is in, please give me your github user names and I'll make a github repo and
give your rights.