The ironsworn rules are freely available and you can see an example of play with me myself and die.
Another option is ironsworn starforged (sci-fi) or ironsworn sundered isles (pirate) but these rules are not free, but there are sufficient free resources available online. They are also almost the same as ironsworn, so we can also mix-up systems. (It won't matter if one player uses the Ironsworn rules and the other one the starforged rules).
🔹 Q1: Would you like to join the campaign?
Note that people will be able to leave if needed. We'll make it work, somehow.
🔹 Q2: What setting do you prefer?
The official ironsworn products support these settings.
- Ironsworn: viking fantasy
- Ironsworn starforged: sci-fi (A bit like: dune, firefly, doctor who, etc). A good example of this is the bad spot.
- Ironsworn sundered isles: pirate/privateers. (Can be easily combined with ironsworn starforged).
🔹 Q3: Can we build it on trust?
I suggest people tack their own stats (Health, Stress, Momentum, XP, assets, etc). They roll the dice by themselves and possibly post the rolls. We are mainly here to have a good time, not to power-game. I will probably ask everyone to post their character sheet, but editing these stats will become cumbersome fast.
🔹Q4: Do you want me to start with some more setting details or do you want us to build it together?
I personally want to build things together, but I am willing to guide people.
🔹Q5: How can we organize this?
I was thinking of using three threads:
- This one. It is used for meta-discussion how the campaign should be managed.
- A thread for all player characters. When characters change, the posts will be edited. No comments on "character X is cool", etc because we want to keep an overview of said characters.
- A thread for play by post. This one will get pretty long.